15 Things Veterans Want You to Know
CoursePsychArmor asked hundreds of Veterans what they wanted civilians, employers, educators, health care providers, and therapists to know about them. These comments were used to create the topics of this course.
15 Things Veterans Want You to Know for Healthcare Providers
Course4.9 average rating (178 reviews)This course was created to educate Healthcare Providers who care for our military Veterans. PsychArmor asked hundreds of Veterans what they wanted civilians, employers, educators, health care providers, and therapists to know about them.
15 Things Military and Veteran Kids Want You to Know
Course5.0 average rating (48 reviews)This short, on-demand video brings the voices of military-connected youth to life, and allows us to take important steps toward cultural humility when interacting with these resilient and amazing kids.
15 Things Veterans Service Officers (VSOs) Want You to Know
Course4.7 average rating (24 reviews)We hope this course will encourage Veterans & their loved ones to work with Veteran Service Officers (VSOs). Topics include myths and misconceptions about VSOs, the benefits of working with a VSO, and ways to identify predatory claims services.
Supporting Hidden Helpers in the Classroom
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)This short course is designed to increase the awareness and knowledge of educators and school professionals on the unique needs, strengths, and challenges faced by military caregiving youth.
Course4.8 average rating (246 reviews)By taking this course you will develop a general understanding of the problem of suicide in the United States; understand how to identify a Veteran who may be at risk for suicide; and, finally, know what to do if you identify a Veteran at risk.