Course curriculum

    1. Course Video

    1. Evaluation

About this course

  • Free
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Subject Matter Expert

Gregory Leskin, Ph.D.

Program Director, Military and Veteran Families Program, University of California Los Angeles, Duke University's National Center for Child Traumatic Stress

Dr. Gregory Leskin is a licensed clinical psychologist in California. He serves as the Program Director for Military and Veteran Families Program for UCLA/Duke University’s National Center for Child Traumatic Stress. In this capacity, Dr. Leskin directs the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Military and Veteran Families Program to provide education, training, and resources on military culture, screening, assessment, and evidence-based interventions to the military, the VA, and community-based behavioral health providers throughout the United States. Previously, Dr. Leskin worked as a Clinical Researcher and Director of Clinical Training at the National Center for PTSD and the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. He completed a National Institute of Mental Health post-doctoral fellowship at the National Center for PTSD at the Boston VA Medical Center. Dr. Leskin was part of a VA NCPTSD team that provided disaster services to families and service members at the Pentagon following 9/11. Dr. Leskin serves as a subject matter expert to SAMHSA’s Service Member, Veteran, and their Families TA Center.