Course4.8 average rating (246 reviews)By taking this course you will develop a general understanding of the problem of suicide in the United States; understand how to identify a Veteran who may be at risk for suicide; and, finally, know what to do if you identify a Veteran at risk.
The Basics of Military Culture
Course4.9 average rating (29 reviews)Want to learn more about the US military and Veteran population? Here’s where you start. Our new Military Culture course series takes a deeper dive into four defining aspects of daily life in the military: Service, Values, People, and Transition.
Military Caregiver Recognition Award and Digital Resource Binder
Course4.9 average rating (9 reviews)Military caregivers are eligible to participate in free online courses by nationally recognized experts. Provided by PsychArmor and sponsored by the USAA Foundation, Caregivers who complete the program will earn a Certificate of Achievement.
VA S.A.V.E. Preventing Caregiver Suicide
Course4.8 average rating (82 reviews)After taking this course, you will develop an understanding of the increased risk for suicide we see in military and Veteran caregivers, identify the signs of an at-risk Veteran caregiver, and know steps you can take to help a Veteran caregiver.
Conversations on the Past, Present, and Future: LGBTQIA+ in Service and Beyond
CourseJoin us for an engaging conversation on the past, present, and future of the LGBTQIA+ community in service and beyond. We hosted a diverse panel of individuals with lived experience in both the military and the LGBTQIA community.
Finding the Words: Leaders
CourseThis course provides resources and guidance to help individuals find the words to have critical conversations. Learners will explore five principles to help them confidently connect with those they lead during a difficult time.